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Healthcare Facilities

At USGS, we understand the importance of healthcare cleaning for hospitals, medical buildings and outpatient facilities. With millions of people affected by healthcare-associated infections (HAI) each year, effective cleaning is crucial to reduce HAIs through disinfection and sterilization. Our main goals when working with our healthcare clients are to reduce HAIs and to preserve a clean and healthy environment for patients, visitors and healthcare staff. We do this by thoroughly educating our staff in requirements of this industry.

Our team members are highly trained in the removal of biological contamination from environmental and equipment surfaces. We understand the importance of preventing the transmission of microorganisms from person to person. Through in-depth and ongoing web-based, classroom and hands-on training, our employees are taught in all types of medical environments. We have services for a one-time biohazard clean up and disposal to around-the-clock medical housekeeping.

Your USGS team member will work with you to determine the best cleaning schedule to remain compliant with the guidelines set by your facility with regards to HIPAA regulations. For special requests for emergency service, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our employee training curriculum is compliant with all regulatory requirements, and includes:

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, section 1910.1030
  • National Safety Council Bloodborne Pathogen Program
  • Disinfectant Chemistry
  • Aseptic Cleaning
  • Basic Microbiology
  • Safety and Security
  • Universal Precautions
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Terminal Cleaning and Outbreak Containment

To find out more information about our healthcare cleaning services and how USGS can partner with you, contact us today!